8 Days Rwenzori Trekking To Margarita Peak

Day 1: Travel to and Arrival at Ibanda gate1646m: 400kms 6hrs

On this day, your guide/ Driver will pick you from your hotel in Kampala and you set off to Rwenzori National Park. You will have your lunch enroute. Arrival and check in at your lodge or the base camp. Dinner and overnight at your Lodge

Day 2: Nyakalengija – Nyabitaba 2632 m:

On the first trekking day, we start Rwenzori climbing. After a briefing with the local porters and guides you will trek from 1646 meters to Nyabitaba hut at 2632 m Dinner and overnight at the mountain camp. (5hrs)


Day 3: Nyabitaba-John math 3.414 m

On the second trekking day, Leave Nyabitaba and take the central circuit loop anticlockwise. The trail leads to the crossing point of rivers Mubuku and Bujuku. After a slippery and difficult path, you will reach Nyamuleju hut at 3000 meters a simple shelter among rocks. It’s better to hike for other 3 hours and reach John Matte hut at 3414 meters and spend the night. (7 hrs.)

Day 4: John Mathe – Bujuku 3962m

The third trekking day will lead you to Bujuku hut after 5 hours of hiking passing through the Bigo bog where there is an old shelter. Bujuku hut is located at 3962 meters near the Bujuku Lake in a valley among 3 mountains: Mt Stanley, Mt Baker and Mt Speke. (5hrs)

Day 5: From Bujuku Hut to Elena Hut, 4.540 m

From Bujuku Hut climb through moss draped groundsel vegetation, to Scott Elliot Pass, 4.372 m., between Mt. Baker and Stanley. Here you divert to Elena Hut, 4.540 m. for spending the night before climbing Mt. Stanley.

Day 6: From Elena Hut to margarita back to kitandara hut, 4.023 m

From Elena Hut you ascend the last tract of rock and ice which leads to Margherita Peak on Mt. Stanley, 5.109 m. Time to complete the climbing about 3 hours. The peak was first climbed by the Duke of Abruzzi at 9.30am on 18th June 1.906. After you descend to Upper Kitandara Lake and through thick mud to Lower Kitandara Lake where Kitandara Hut is located, 4.023 m. Time to complete the hike about 3 hours more. From Kitandara Hut you can proceed for climbing Mount Baker or Mount Luigi di Savoia and the peak Vittorio Sella. Enjoy the view of Mt. Luigi di Savoia.

Day 7: From Kitandara Hut to Guy Yeoman Hut, 3.261 m

Some people consider the fifth trekking day as hard as the second! After crossing Fresh Field pass head for the new Guy Yeoman hut at 3261 meters. In case of fog or bad weather it could be hard to follow the trail and remember that the last part is full of bogs. Before Guy Yeoman hut there are other two shelters: Bujongolo and Kaijongo. Bujongolo is well known for having been the base camp of Luigi di Savoia, Duke of Abruzzi who conquered and fully explored the Rwenzori in 1906. (6hrs)

Day 8: Guyeoman – Nyabitaba 2632 m

The sixth trekking day is dedicated to descend to the camp of Nyabitaba. On the descent there are some tricky points since the terrain is often slippery and boggy. After Kichunchu rock the trail will become easier passing through bamboo forests interesting to many birdwatchers. (5-6 hrs)

Day 9: Nyabitaba – Base camp/ Nyakalengija

The seventh trekking day return to the Rwenzori National Park headquarters Ruboni community. After a well-earned rest with the entire trekking group, porters and guides, you go to the base camp for dinner and a night. (3hrs)

Day 10: Travel back to Kampala

On this day, you will wake up early for breakfast at the Lodge. Your guide/Driver will brief you about the day’s journey. You will then embark on your journey back to Kampala.

Tour price in US Dollars per person (Net & Non-Commissionable – Valid for 2024)

Trip price per personUSD 2,100
Mnimumu person1

Included in the price:-

Ground transport per private 4WD safari vehicle
English speaking driver/guide
Accommodation in places mentioned in the itinerary, based on a twin/double room
Meals as described in the itinerary
Bottled mineral water in the safari vehicle
Entrance fees and ranger fees for national parks
Activities and excursions mentioned in the program
VAT for upcountry hotels and lodges


International flight
Visa application fees
Optional activities
Meals and drinks not mentioned above
Items of personal nature
Entry visa into Uganda
All kinds of drinks except water
Activities not mentioned in the itinerary
Phone calls and bar bills
Personal/travel insurance
Driver guide’s gratuity (recommended)
All Other Services of a personal nature
All air/flight tickets
Any activity stated as “OPTIONAL”

Terms and conditions:-

  • The rates are in US dollars and subject to change.
  • Availability of accommodation, permits and activities is not guaranteed until confirmation by your contact person of Footprints Safaris. Permits are sold on ‘first come first serve’ basis.


Prices are subject to change.
Availability of accommodations and activities is not guaranteed;
reservations will be made after receiving confirmation of the final itinerary and the requested deposit.
Should any of the included accommodations not be available, we reserve the right to substitute it with an alternative suitable accommodation, which might affect the final quoted price.
The budget option for this safari is based on very basic accommodation.
Private bathrooms cannot be guaranteed which means showers and toilets (or pit latrines) have to be shared in some places.
The estimated travelling hours are based on the actual hours of driving, stops for lunch or photos not included.

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