2 Weeks Safari

Day 1

When you arrive at Dar es Salaam Airport, you will be met by a friendly member of our staff holding a name board. They will escort you to terminal 1, for your afternoon flight to Nyerere National Park (Selous). Depending on international flight times, a night in Dar may be required. Flight No 01 (times may vary with schedule requirements) Departure Time: 16:30 Arrival Time 17:30

A guide from Rufiji River Camp will be at the airstrip waiting to greet you, welcome you to the camp and help you check in. After getting settled into your room, you can head over to the camp fire, just in time for your incredible sundowners overlooking the Rufiji River.

Day 2

The night before the manager will have discussed the options for today’s safaris. You may have chosen

  • Early Morning Nature Walk : Departing at 06:30, returning for a late breakfast at 09:30.
  • Early Bird Game Drive : Departing 06:30 with a packed breakfast, returning at 11:30.
  • Morning Game Drive : Departing after breakfast at 08:30, returning in time for lunch.
  • Morning Boat Safari : Departing after breakfast at 08:30, returning in time for lunch.

  • Full Day Game Drive : Departing after breakfast at 08:30 with a picnic lunch, retuning at 16:00 for afternoon tea.
  • Afternoon Game Drive : Departing at 16:00 and returning at dusk, in time for sundowners.
  • Afternoon Boat Safari : Departing at 16:00 and returning at dusk, in time for sundowners.
  • Private Game vehicles are also on offer providing you with flexible use of a private vehicle and guide between 06:30 and 18:00
This huge conservation area is a World Heritage Site and named after Frederick Courteney Selous who died in the reserve. The area north of the sprawling Rufiji River is reserved for photographic safaris. The river is a myriad of wide open water, lakes and channels and Selous is the only reserve that offers boating safaris in addition to the more classic vehicle and walking safaris. Recently this photographic region of Selous Game Reserve has been converted to a National Park called Nyerere, named after Tanzania’s first elected president, Julius Nyerere. Tanzania’s now second largest national park is home to the country’s largest river, The Rufiji River, allowing us to offer the only boat safaris in Tanzania.

Nyerere National Park has the highest concentration of elephant of any one park in Tanzania and is estimated to have one third of all Tanzania’s African Hunting Dog. The landscape is predominantly flat and covered with miombo trees. Lions and leopards join the Hunting dogs as prevalent predators in the reserve and there is a good variety of prey animals from wildebeest and buffalo to smaller animals like warthog and impala. The river supports a rich and varied bird life, the banks providing a nesting bank for the bee eaters and fishing grounds for Kingfishers.

Days 4

An early walk or game drive brings you back in time for breakfast and the departure back to the airstrip for the onward flight to The Southern Highlands. Flight No 02 (times may vary with schedule requirements) Departure Time: 11:00 Arrival Time: 12:30 One of Mufindi Highlands Lodges hosts will greet you at the airstrip and take you on a journey through tea fields and local villages to Mufindi Highlands Lodge for check in and lunch.

Day 5 & 6

During your stay at Mufindi Highlands Lodge, spend your time exploring the beautiful landscape, hiking through the rainforests and tea fields in the cool climate. In the afternoon perhaps choose one of the many activities on offer:

  • Horse riding
  • Fly Fishing
  • Canoeing
  • Swimming
  • Visiting the Farm Animals
  • Lawn Sports (Tennis, Badminton, Bowels, Croquet)

Spend a day on a tour around the local village, meeting the local communities and learning about what work is being done to help the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Arriving at the airstrip at the Southern Highlands you will notice the change in temperature as soon as you step out of the plane. At this higher altitude of 2000m the air is cool and refreshing after the dusty and more humid low lands. From the airstrip there is a drive of around 1 hour to the Highland Lodge, this takes you through planted pine forests to the village of Sawala the highest point in the Southern Highlands at 7000ft. From here, you wind up and down through tea fields and natural montane forest which create patchwork effects of light and dark green. The tea is still plucked manually in most areas as the slopes are very steep.

Mufindi is a place to relax, enjoy your surroundings or take some high altitude exercise. Walks are varied, or try horse riding, fishing, golf or tennis; (also croquet, badminton, boules, snooker, canoeing). A highlight for many is a trip around Igoda village, which is cultural experience unlike any other. There is no other tourism in this area, and the development of many community projects in these villages has created a strong relationship between the Foxes and the villagers. The Igoda Children’s Village is a very happy place to visit where children orphaned by HIV/AIDS are cared for; the primary school are always very welcoming to visitors and the children enjoy nothing more than challenging guests to a game of the ubiquitous footie! Being a largely subsistence economy, many traditional methods are still practiced – pit sawing, brick making, basket weaving. The witch doctor is also still an influential member of the community using plants and herbs from the forest for many treatments.

Days 7

After breakfast you will have the last opportunity to enjoy the area and stretch your legs, before making your way to the airstrip for your short flight to Ruaha National Park. Flight No 02 (times may vary with schedule requirements) Departure Time: 12:30 Arrival Time: 13:00 A guide from Ruaha River Lodge will be at the airstrip waiting to greet you and take you on a exciting game drive you through the park, winding your way through the 1000’s of ancient baobabs. Afterwards, your guide will help you check into Ruaha River Lodge. In the afternoon you can go out and explore the national park, departing at 16:00 and returning at dusk, in time to freshen up before drinks around the camp fire.

Day 8, 9 and 10

During your time staying at Ruaha River Lodge you can choose between half day shared game drives or full day with picnic lunch enabling you to explore further afield in this enormous wilderness.

  • Early Morning Game Drives : Departing at 06:30 with a picnic breakfast, returning at 11:30
  • Morning Game Drives : Departing after breakfast at 08:30, returning in time for lunch.
  • Afternoon Game Drives : Departing at 16:00 and returning at dusk, in time for sundowners.
  • Full Day Game Drives : Departing after breakfast at 08:30 with a picnic lunch, retuning at 16:00 for afternoon tea.
  • Private Game vehicles are also on offer providing you with flexible use of a private vehicle and guide between 06:30 and 18:00

Ruaha National Park is the largest Park in Tanzania and lies in the centre of the country. This beautiful park has an abundance of wildlife in an array of sceneries which gives it a character all of its own. The Great Ruaha River is the lifeline of the park as it is its only permanent water source. A full day game drive along the river takes you over rocky kopjes, home to the Greater kudu, Roan antelope and elephant, and winds down along the river bank through open plains, perfect for cheetah and lion, herds of buffalo, warthogs, jackals, bateared Foxes – the list is endless. The river banks are rich with birdlife, hippos and crocs. For the more adventurous, above the escarpment lives the more elusive Sable Antelope.

Ruaha is not only the largest park but can also boast a well-developed road network, so there are plenty of different drives to explore for morning game drives returning the lodge for lunch. An afternoon spent on your veranda at the water’s edge, or sitting in one of the 2 bar areas will be an equally enjoyable part of your safari here where the animals wander in front of your room to come down to drink. An afternoon drive to the hippo pool to catch the sunset makes a perfect end to a day.

Day 11

After breakfast you will have the chance to enjoy one final game drive, as you slowly wind your way to the airstrip for your flight to Dar es Salaam. Flight No 04 (times may vary with schedule requirements) Departure Time: 13:15 Arrival Time: 16:30 One of our members of staff will be there to meet you at the airport and begin your 1.5-hour journey to Lazy Lagoon Island. On arrival to the beach, a boat will be waiting to ferry you across to Lazy Lagoon Island Lodge for check in, just in time for cocktails and dinner.

Day 12, 13 and 14

During your time staying at Lazy Lagoon Island Lodge you can relax and unwind on the beach with a cocktail, or try something more adventurous.

  • Snorkelling
  • Swimming
  • Kayaking
  • Paddle Boarding
  • Sailing
  • Beach Walks

Tanzania is blessed with miles of coastline bathed by the Indian Ocean. Lazy Lagoon Island is a perfect place to relax and enjoy the sun, sea and sand. Being a private island 2km out to sea, you are not affected by the long low tide periods that affect the mainland coastline.

The island is 9km long and the lodge is the only habitation on the island. We do share the island with some wildlife, notably suni antelope, bush bigs, monkeys and bush babies. At low tide there is a wonderful display of brightly colored star fish on the exposed rocks in vivid red, orange and green. Being offshore the low tide does not leave you miles from the water’s edge, and sea swimming is possible at all tides from the inward side of the island. There is also a small swimming pool. For the more active you can explore the island on foot (we are still waiting for someone to get to the other end and back!) or try your hand at kayaking around the Mangroves. Bagamoyo town on the mainland opposite the island was the original port for Tanzania and saw all the Explorers off on their expeditions and the Slave caravans return from the interior. The history of the town is similar to Stone Town on Zanzibar, with slave market, old Arabic style buildings and the oldest Catholic mission on mainland Tanzania. Guided tours are available around the town and surroundings.

Day 15

Depending on the departure time of your international flight, a boat and car will be ready for your transfer from the Island to Dar es Salaam.

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